
SV-20 E-Form

Note: This form must be filled out only by students who have enrolled the University of Belgrade for the first time in the academic 2024/25 year. This refers to studies at the University (not at faculties) and for students who are ranked on the ranking list.

Technical assistance for filling out the form will be provided if you contact us via email isu-studenti@rcub.bg.ac.rs.

Student's contact telephone number
Personal identification number
University University of Belgrade
Faculty/Academy/College of applied studies studies at the University
Type of studies
Study programme
Municipality where the higher education institution is located Beograd-Stari Grad
Calendar year of the first enrolment at the listed study programme
Total number of ECTS credits
Means of financing the studies
Type of high school
Place of high school
Year of graduation
Year of birth
Place of birth
Residence (place of permanent residence)
Street of permanent residence
Street number
Nationality (according to Art. 47. of the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia a citizen is not obliged to declare their nationality)
Marital status
Place of residence during the studies
Street of residence during the studies
Number of residence during the studies
Type of accomodation during the studies
Sources of funding during the studies(you can mark multiple answers)
What is the main source of funding?
Are you employed
Does the student support other persons
Are your parents or a guardian employed
Parent's (guardian's) occupation
Parents' education (father)
Parents' education (mother)
Does the student need any of the listed types of support for their everyday activities at the Faculty/Academy/Polytechnic (answer is not mandatory, multiple answers possible)